The Six Immutable Laws Of Ophthalmic Recruiting

My recruiting rules:

  1. Never Settle For “Okay” Candidates Because “Excellent” Is Difficult.  The world is full of mediocrity.  Mediocrity is easy.  Great associates are more difficult to find, attract and hire.  However, they’re worth the effort and cost.  They generate the highest Return on Investment of time and money.
  2. Time Kills Deals…Even Good Ones.  Don’t delay when you’ve found an IDEAL candidate.  Act decisively at the end after working intelligently at the beginning.
  3. Begin With The End In Mind And Work Backwards.  Know what you really want before you start, so you’ll recognize it when you find it.  Then see Rule #2.
  4. Eliminate Potential Deal Killers Up Front.  World-class recruiters are masters at isolating objections and skillfully eliminating them, up front.
  5. “Hope” Is Not A Strategy.  Hire those you know will perform by following the steps outlined in this report.  Don’t hope… know.
  6. Delegate Tasks Others Can Perform Better, Faster And Smarter.  If you and your staff don’t have the time or skills for recruiting, hire an outside recruiter.